Summary: 2003 documentary/drama about the major problem of pornography affecting young men in today's modern world. This film was based on the book, "Every Man's Battle", co-authored by Steve Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, and Mike Yorkey (USA). This film has a drama running through it in between testimonials of men that have struggled with pornography, and how it has damaged their lives. Contains interesting illustrations comparing the struggle of a young man in dealing with sexual immorality as a "battle". Also includes a revealing interview with a serial killer just before he was executed for his crimes.
What's it all about: This is mainly an informative, educational feature to help young men (really any man - the strategies to help are the same regardless of age) and perhaps gave parents some insights into the intense struggle young men esp Christians, face in maintaining a lifestyle of sexual purity. The movie is full of statistics, some of which are shocking e.g. every day, up to 30 million people log onto pornographic websites every day, 60% of all websites are pornographic. This film includes interesting testimonials (life stories shared by middle aged men) of how the lives were wrecked by their involvement with pornography e.g. destroyed relationships with family / friends, went bankrupt. The speakers from organisations that can help people in dealing with pornography are interesting e.g. "". The strategies to help guys in struggling with sexual temptation (from Fred Stoeker) are very good (cf ways to help guys struggling with same topic in 'Valiant Man' course). The drama weaving through the film of a young man dealing with peer pressure and dealing with sexual temptation is relatable and well acted.
Notable quotes: "There is a myth believed by many that you can do what you want as a teenager, because after you become an adult, it won't matter. The person you are as a young man, is the person you will drag into adulthood" (Steve Arterburn); "..I've lived in prison for a long time now and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me, and without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography without question, without exception, deeply influenced and consumed by an addiction to pornography" (Ted Bundy)
Highlights: an excerpt of the chilling interview in 1989 of James Dobson (who started 'Focus on the Family') with Ted Bundy, a serial killer who confessed to killing 28 women (this interview was on the last day before Mr Bundy was executed). The 'Extras' menu has Scripture verses of encouragement that can help Christian guys with sexual struggles, and a heartfelt interview with Fred Stoeker.
Movie length: 58 minutes
My Rating: 8 out of 10
Final review: the topic of pornography is hardly ever talked about in the church, I believe that's its time to bring it more out in the open (my pastor often says, 'what God reveals, He heals'). I would recommend this movie for anyone over 12 years old, but particularly aimed at guys aged 12 - 30 years old. Also recommend for parents of young men to understand the pressures their sons are facing today with sexual images on the Internet, advertising, TV. If you are a parent, I would suggest watching it with your child, and discussing it afterwards. Finally, the movie's major point of young men being in a battle for sexual impurity alone is a point worthy of discussion.