Sunday, 6 March 2011

#1- The Cross

Summary: This is the inspirational story of the life of Arthur Blessitt, an American who has walked around the world for 40 years, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What its about: This could be described as half documentary/ half biography. Arthur Blessitt has walked in every nation, and inhabited island group in the world (around 300 countries), carrying a 12 ft cross. He was actually in the Guinness Book of Records (2000) for having the record for "Longest Ever Walk" (over 38,000 miles). Arthur shows in this movie his heart, and simply goes around with his cross, showing the love of God to all he meets. He shares his life experiences since beginning his trek with the cross in the late 60's, when God called him to walk around America (then later around the world), up until today.

Highlights: Stories and footage of his experiences incl meeting Yassah Ararat during a war in Lebanon, miraculously being saved from being shot by a gang in Nicaragua, and crossing an impenetrable pass in Panama. Also seeing Arthur with his cross recently pray for people , by letting them know how much Jesus loves them.

Notable quotes: "Let your vision be no more than the next person you meet"; "Circumstances don't alter the call of God''.

Running time: 93 minutes

Rating:  10 out of 10

Final Review: this movie leaves you amazed at Arthur's faith and obedience in spite of enormous odds, and inspired to listen and act on what God has called us to do. Also reinforces the importance of the cross to the Christian faith. Watch it as soon as you can! This movie will inspire you.

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