Saturday, 4 February 2012

#13 - The Encounter

Summary: This movie is a great movie about 5 people from different backgrounds who are brought together to a diner for 1 night, and all their lives are challenged by the manager, a man who claims to be 'Jesus' (will refer to Him as Jesus in this review, even though we know Jesus was played by an actor). This man challenges all of them to look to Him for help for their difficulties in their lives. The man playing Jesus is Bruce Marchiano, a great actor who in real life is a Christian, also playing Jesus in "the Gospel according to Matthew" (a drama portraying Jesus from the book of Matthew). This movie is directed by David A.R. White, an actor of many Christian/faith movies in the last 15 years, this is his first film as director.

What's it all about:  a great movie explaining apologetics, defending the Christian faith, in Jesus' interactions with each member of the group - a self made business man (for any USA pro-wrestling fans, Steve "Sting" Borden), a married couple who were considering divorce, a single lady in an unhealthy relationship, and a young teenage runaway). They all have questions about their lives, and one at a time, Jesus gently shares His wisdom, gradually revealing Himself more to them, as the movie progresses. He does this with a gentle humour, yet speaks with love and truth.

Quote: when one of the group comments that his name, Jesus (on his name badge) was a 'nice name, religious". Jesus says," it doesn't have anything to do with religion, it was my Father's idea";

 - "I'm sorry, all I serve here is water (Jesus);"

 - "I know all of you. I've known you since before you were born. And I've got a plan for you, a perfect plan, all you have to do, is believe in me".
- "What'll it be? Menu or special order?"

Highlights: * Jesus' subtle humour e.g. shows his driver's license with a picture of himself playing Jesus in "..Matthew"
* each person coming to the realisation (little miracles along the way helps) that the man in the diner is actually Jesus who loves them and wants to help them.
* Jaci Velasquez (one of favourite singers back in the 90's when she was a teenager), in one of her first acting roles
* learning of each person's past and how God was working in their lives
* Jesus persisting in getting to the heart issues of one of the group, who was resisting Him.

Rating : 9 out of 10

Final review: All believers have all wondered at one time or another what would Jesus be like if he walked amongst us today. Bruce Marchiano is wonderful in portraying Jesus in all the ways I imagined him to be. I have found in my walk with God, it helps sometimes to picture Jesus in those difficult times. This is a great movie for this.

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